In Mourning

April 18, 2016 6:28 pm Published by

On April 16, 2016 my daddy passed away due to complications from his lung cancer. His death was completely unexpected and in turn, we are unprepared. There is a lot of items that need to be taken cared before burial, after interment, and then moving forward.

With that being said, I am taking time away for a solid period of mourning. I feel like a huge hole has been ripped into my world, my life. I need time to adjust, to figure out the next move, and to most importantly take care of myself.

I will be back. While I am adapting to this huge life changing event, I will be working on improving my personal site. I want to continue as a Blizzard Entertainment influencer. I want to get my name out there. I want to be part of this community. So expect a few changes when I am ready to return.

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