Warcraft Character Services Now Available In-Game Shop

October 1, 2015 6:23 pm Published by

Warcraft players can now access character services with new in-game shop options!

World of Warcraft has expanded the in-game shop options to give access for paid character services. Players will no longer need to log out of the game to change faction, name, or a complete overhaul through the battle.net website. This can all be completed from the character select screen.

  • Appearance Change–change an existing character’s gender, face, skin color, hair color, and name as desired.
  • Faction Change–switch a single character’s allegiance between Alliance or Horde. This will trigger character name, race, and appearance options.
  • Name Change–change a character’s name.
  • Race Change–swap to another race within the character’s faction and class options.

Players cannot access these character services while logged onto a character. This is only available on the character select screen. For more information on service restrictions, refer to battle.net support.

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